
Dalziel and Pow Brochure 2014

The 2014 brochure was an 8 month project designed to show the company with a fresh approach to design - the layout holds extensive amounts of insights, articles written by staff members and anecdotal fun additions that bring a little bit of the company personality to life. The layout is comprised of large scale bold use of typography, tone of voice and hand drawn illustrations throughout.


Produced while at Dalziel and Pow - image credit Dalziel and Pow.



Samsung Make More Possible

Samsung Make More Possible

Hi, Hello, Hiya, Good Day

Hi, Hello, Hiya, Good Day

Spine Detail

Spine Detail

Cover Title Block

Cover Title Block

Inside cover crash numbering detail

Inside cover crash numbering detail

Brochure exhibition spreads

Brochure exhibition spreads

Brochure exhibition from left

Brochure exhibition from left

Brochure Exhibition from right

Brochure Exhibition from right